Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What the F**K?!


Screw you SMK Tmn Melawati!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I will be no longer update my blog more frequent cause' I need to focus my head and heart 110% on my studies due to to SPM is around the corner,a very sharp corner ya'll!

Feel a lil' bit devastated cause' there are ample things I want to post.
My freakin' awesome Hari Raya in Terengganu
My new hair cut! Hehe
My duit rayasss $__$

Sooner or Later,I will tell you more!

See ya,
Wouldn't wanne be ya :D


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Scary Maze Game

Hehe,since Raya today was a bit boring and to spice it up,I decided to prank my innocent yet sweet cousins(Haris,Hilmi&Ijad)..Hehe,did you know the ScaryMaze Game,whooaaaaa!I found this cool online game when I watched The Miley&Mandy show last year and the game is effin' scaryyy as hell!Guarantee will make you jump out of your seat(make sure you don't turn off the speaker.The louder,the better,hehe).My first try-out of the game was quite a nightmare.I screamed like a moron okay.Sumpah terkejut.

I was totally 100% focused on my computer screen to ensure moving the dot without hitting the walls (because if you fail,you need to start ALL OVER AGAIN and It will definitely be a tiresome for those people who have unsteady and shaky hands..what a pity)Then,when I was
imperturbably moving the dot to the Red area..Out of the blue,


The picture of an exorcist ghost popped out on the screen with a loud screaming voice,loud as hell!(my speaker volume was at its maximum okay,haha).Aaaaaaaaaaaaa....!!!! I screamed as loud as I could and I was nearly to fall off from my chair.Can you imagine that?Tee hee..Good thing I didn't pee in my pants
.Phewwww....I felt like my heart was about to rip out from my rib cage.What a scary game!

Huhu.Well,here is the reaction of my cousins.The next victims,Har har har har,*Evil laugh..Poor kiddos :D

Hehe,mind the naked boy(Ijad)

the Scary Maze Game ranks as one of the best the scary games online.Top that will ya?

Are you brave enough to play the game?Bwahahahaha.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

Ohhh,yeahh..It's 20 September baby!It is Hari Raya Aidilfitri!So,I want to take this opportunity to apologize for all the things that I did or did not do. I'm not perfect and I can never be,Human makes mistakes okay,so,top that. And, here's a list of the things that I'm sorry for throughout the 2009 year.

1) I'm sorry for not studying hard
2) I'm sorry I keep doing my long face look
3) I'm sorry for giving you false hope.
5) I'm sorry because I'm not a morning person.Hehe
6) I'm sorry for raising my voice when I'm not supposed to.
7) I'm sorry for hurting your feelings.
8) I'm sorry for not doing the house chores that Im supposed to do.
9) I'm sorry I didn't perform my Terawih prayers.Not even once this year. :(
10) I'm sorry if I lied.
11) I'm sorry for cursing.
12) I'm sorry for not appreciating my loved ones.
13) I'm sorry I've been emo lately
14) I'm sorry for talking bad behind your back.
15)I'm sorry I judge you before I know you
I'm sorry for all the sins that I've done.

17) I'm sorry I'm not PERFECT!

So,let's forget the past and open a new chapter
Shall we?

Night Before Raya #4

The most awaited moment had come!Enjoy the excitement by watching the video!If you were there,you would probably say,"Super duper cool la weii"..Nonetheless,half the fun is still can be share through this video.

p/s:Sorry,the video is a bit stuck :(

Nk exchange vid nga mu..

Night Before Raya #3

Before the massive firecrackers event starts :

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Night Before Raya #2

Thennn....because we felt disturbed by the huge explosion of the bedil bola..Yg dibaling terlalu byk oleh jiran2 lelaki kami.(Saya melatah terlalu byk okay,bunyinya sungguh kuat sekali!Boom boom paww pang!)we decided to go inside Fila's room.Berjalanlah kami sekali lagi,kali ini,rambut kami bergoyang mengikut langkah kaki.Kui kui kui.

Prang!Pintu ditutup..Kami duduk & sekali lagi mengambil keputusan untulk beraksi di hadapan lensa camera tp bukan photo shoot okay.Ia adalah sesi rakaman.Kui kui kui.Inilah videonya..

Night Before Raya #1

Hehehehe..Night before Raya is the most exciting&loud!Bunyi-bunyi mercun bergema di udara,sumpah rase macam berada di battlefield...To be frank,all the firecrackers explosion sounds are actually the signature of Eid celebration,without them,Hari Raya Aidilfitri would totally be a suck fest okay.This is my "Night Before Raya" story...

Tonight's Plot:Malam ni mmg best,bile I tgh on9,dtg seorg makhluk.Guess who?Hafila la!Hehe,dia dtg pnggil sb her sista want to see me.Tanpa bantahan,I setuju.Then,I grabbed my black&white shawl and headed to her house.Masuk la dlm,tgk2 Kak Pija tgh buzy call kwn2 dia,then..I duduk je la tunggu doing nothing.Pastu Fila ckp,"Bungo api byk,pahni pase,lps Abe Man kelik maye",Ohhh..yeahhhh...Bungo api?!Sedakk owhhhh...Pastu,sb boring(smbil tunggu acara bermercun),I & Fila nk gi la on9,then..bummer,Internet connection low.Terbantut la niat.Pastu I ckp,"Meh arr duk lua".Fila pn stuju.Pastu kitorang pn kluar.Tuppp..tupp..tuppp.bergoyanglah punggung kami mengikut rentak kaki.Kui kui kui

Notice the photos above?Itulah activity kami bila brd di luar rmh(Fila)..Cam-whoring la jwbnye.*Click click click non-stop.Byk la jugak yg snapped tp kebykknya wat muke mcm monyet.3 di ats ni je la pics yg molek sikit,Kui kui kui.(Rugi mu Ena!)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Knock,Knock! BASIC COURTESY please?


It seems that people nowadays are lacking in basic courtesy especially youngsters.This statement is so so true cause' even in cyber,IT world,there are still few/many people who doesn't have basic courtesy even if they are using social networking sites such as Facebook,MySpace,Friendster and you name it.Why do I surface about this basic courtesy thingy up?Because it happened to me la.....

Ade ke patut,without even saying a "hello,hi,how are you?thanks 4 the approved and bla bla bla",this ruthless people dare to request to view my private album?Walaweyyy.Not even a word of thank you after I approved you,or just a simple word of hello for a simple friendship bonding then ade hati nk tgk private album. *Puke.Fyi,I don't even granted some of my friends/someone I know's permissions to view it, apatah lagi,YOU(perfect strangers).Errkk,reality check please?

Haha,guess what I did to them?I'd deleted them A.S.A.P.Call me MERCILESS.kui kui kui.

Sesape yg terasa,
I hope this will be a wake-up call for you.
Courtesy is important if you want to be respected okay.


Ahh,this thing is really devastating me..

This morning,I lay on my bed,just woke up from my beauty sleep and doing nothing..Then,I decided to texting with my friends to fill up my boredom.Then,ahha!Pavithra came across my mind.I haven't seen her for ages okay(About a year)She is my best friend from Taman Melawati,Selangor.I really reaaaaaaaaaallllllyyyyy miss her so much!!!!!!So,a call would do as a pengubat rindu la.She doesn't have a cell phone so I couldn't text her but luckily I have her home number,I dialled *122# to check my balance to make sure that I have enough credits to call her.Then,yeayy!My current balance is quite enough to make a call
.Hopefully lah.Then,I dialled her.I was in full excitement and expected to hear *tuppp...tupppp*,But..this is what I heard..

The number that you have dialled is not in service "

Haaa?!!!What the fish!My hope and excitement to hear her voice had torn into two,hancur berkecai,punah ranah,broken into pieces and all the devastating feeling that I could ever imagine at the moment I heard the operator said that...Bummer..Kesedihan terlampau.

I miss you so sooooo muchhhhhhh.
When will I have the chance to see you again?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kanye West is effin' RUDE!

Taylor Swift won "Best Female Video Award" at the VMA's,which is Video Music Awards from MTV. Kanye West suddenly snatched the mic out of her hand, as she was giving her acceptance speech, interrupting with,

"Yo Taylor,Im' really happy for you , Imma' let you finish but Beyonce has one of the Best Videos Of All Time,ONE OF THE BEST VIDEOS OF ALL TIME!"

Here is the video:

Typical Kanye behaviour, always wants to be the center of attention,Duhhhh..


Nk share ttg KEKASIH aku?*I typed it big cause I love him so much.

Pengasih dan Penyayang sifatnya.Betul ni,xtipu.Pure Cinta lah katakan.Ape tak nyer,mase ak susah aku mintak tolong je kat dia,sure akan dtg bantuan.Bile mengadu kat die terasa PEACE semacam je.So,mmg sure lah kekasih kan?Beruntung dpt kekasih camni,xprnh nk sakitkan hati aku.

Bile mase jarak jauh,boleh cntact die.The fun is because I feel him very close in my heart,cinta punya pasal.DIA xkisah pn ak xingt kt dia,tapi akulah rugikan.Sb klau ak nk minta tlg dia,sure mcm2 dpt.Xkiralah materials ke,mmg kekasih sejati la tu.

Bile ak rindu kt die.Bace je surat-surat yg dia yg bagi macam2 nasihat yg ade dlm tu.Siap bagi examples.Suruh ak phm la katakan.Dulu ak pernah bercinta ttapi clash mcm tu je.I was so damn frustrated.

But,KEKASIH ak yang ni lain.Dia xpernah kisah pon ngn cinta lamaku.Siap bagi semangat lagi.Dia xde cemburu pn cume ak je cemburu dekat die.Punya ramai la JATUH CINTA kat dia.Sampai ak pn kenalah usha bebetol.As a saying goes,"What we give is what we get".So klau usaha lebih sikit sure akan dapat lebih kan.Ahah,lagi satu.KEKASIH ak ni baik sesangat!Perfect perfect!Tu yg kekadang terjaga 3-4am,sure ak akn contact die.Rindula....

To be frank,KEKASIH ak ni kaya,millionaire,billionaire & you name it.Dah la PEMURAH lak tu.Sume keperluan hidup ak ak dia yg support.Believe it?Ahaha,FOC! Tapi ak xsdp hati la.Mestilah kena hargai apa yg die bagi tu kan!Ummi ak ckp,"Klau org dh bagi tu,suke atau xsuke,amik je la pastu pndai2 la balas budi!".Dia suh ak blajar bersungguh2.Klau bleh ak nk blaja sume ilmu.Tp INSYAALLAH,sb kekasih ak ni mmg la perfect!Dia kata,tanpa ilmu semua amal ak selama ini kt ats dunia is just a waste.Dia pn tambah syg kat ak.

Sebenarnya,ak malu nk cakap ni.Ak belum pernah jumpa DIA.Lgi pn blum sdia lagi la.Tapi KEKASIH ak ni dh janji suatu hari nnti,ak pasti akn jumpe dia.Sekarang ni pn tgh takut kecut perut menghitung hari.Ak mesti prepare awal2 drpd surat2 yg die sediakn tu.Ak tau ape yg die suke dan apa yg dia xsuke.Kan bertambah la syg die kat ak nnti!Hehe.Xpelah,berkorban skrg sb dia dh jnji sape2 yg die syg akn diberi HADIAH SPECIAL yg xpernah ak terpikir kat dunia ni..Ish!Rindu sgt la kat dia ni!

KEKASIHKU,ak berjanji akn pertahankan cinta suci ini.Walau kita xpernah bersua,ak ttp bahagia.Itulah KEKASIHKU:

ALLAH S.W.T,cinta yang satu...
Cinta teragungku:
R1) Allah S.W.T
R2) Surat Al-Quran
R3) Maha segala-galanya
R4) Prepare awal-awal sebelum mati
R5) Kekal selama-lamanya

Whoever read this,ade unsur suspense x?Hehe


The Uninvited

When I was buzy uploading pictures in one of my Friendster's album,then...Out of nowhere,zuppppp....!!Belalang yg kecil datang dan hinggap di screen computer saya!Maybe because I left the windows opened had made it managed to fly through inside my house and sat on my computer screen!I left it on the screen for a while because I expected for the cute grasshopper to go away,but it didn't.So,I used my finger to touch it to make it go somewhere else cause I couldn't barely focus on what I was doing.Nonetheless,before I could even touch it,the grasshopper flew away,hehe.And the story ended.Au revoir,grasshopper! Feel free to come back again!Haha


My current layout is just for


Still searching...
And searching...............


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

An Unexpected SMS

When I was in class,(Changgong tuition centre),*Tuup..tuppp..My infamous cell phone beeping..Guess what?A SMS from my Bahasa Melayu's teacher,Cikgu Latifah..She wrote this.....

"Rindu plop nk dgr suara Fatin nnyi..duk study ko tu?Hehe,Selamat Hari rayo"

Hehe,soon after I read her sms,I was in delightful of joy,Ingat jugak kat diriku ini,Fyi,Cikgu Latifah is in confinement because she delivered her bundle of joy,and it's a baby boy!,last month.So,I haven't seen her for a very long time,Damn! I really reaaaaalllyyy miss her,no words can describe how much I miss her actually.Dia cikgu paling sempoi pernah aku kenal.Seriously.

Dear Cikgu Latifah,
Habis la pantang cepaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!
It puts a smile on my face when I see you

Bobe seko

Sape yg xphm bhs Kelate,xpyh baca,huahuahua

Gini,ak xtau bkpo ak jadi emo pelik male2 buto ni,I feel deep loneliness inside my heart all of sudden(koya speaking kakah ni)Ak sero ak kehilangan,chupp!xmai period deh!haaa,ingat molek...Ak sero ak nk kmbali bercouple,tp ak ni xreti bena nk coupling ni.Mugo bkn jenis romantik kaee.Hnya org yg bnr2 knl ak dpt brthn lame ngn ak & stakat ini xdop sapo lg prnh mncapai tahap itu..Sapo yg dpt mncapai thap itu mmg hebat la..Boleh dpt Anugerah Nobel!Tobat eh...Sebab ak boring lajok,mai la dgr cito sekupang 2kupang ak ni.Bereh,mai ak cito psl seorg llaki yg amat tolol&fun prnh ak knl..

Ado sore laki ni,dio mncul dlm hdupku(xingt dh bilo),dio suruh ak ajr dio English sb Madam kato ak ni seswai jadi tutor dlm sub ni..Dio pn mai la jupo,dio oyt la gotu goni,ak pn cayo la dio snggoh2 nk blaja BI..mesej mulo2 tu meme speaking trus r,dio la skmo kecek rojak tp ak dop,dio skmo oyat,"wow!very good!",Dio ni mmg femes dgn keramahannya & ketololannya yg terlampau thp maksima..Ak wat xcaro je la kalu dio msj tolol2,sb ak bena pn tolol etek tu gak..Jupo gu dh la,tp gak xtnjuk la depe dio,mugo xbrp knl kae,lamo kae dio oyt ak ni supo Halimah Jongang la plop..Haha,(Halimah Jongang tu sapo bena?Ak sjo jh oyat tu)

Pastu,jengjengjeng..Haaaa,ado unsur saspens meta.Bru yo lo supo cito drama gitu..Koho lamo dio sms koho psl ttg prasaaan..Well,you knw right how a guy talks about their feeling,mesti la jiwang tahap besi buruk karat ijau tahap MPKB pnyer..Xse kecek psl hal tu sb hal peribadi etek,pastu loni,blh dikatakan kami jadi koho rapat la,rapat as a friend la,xlebih dr sempadan garisan tu...Sedap saim nga dio,sb dio jnis matured,so,byk benefits & bndo leh bljr dr dio,dio pn jnis xsaim nga budok2 sekoloh,dio saim nga tok laki ore weyy!Waaah,Amaareeekaa bena,kwang3,ak suko selok duk bygkn dio kecek nga ore tuo2,haha,mesti lucu....

Dio ni juruh,semaye xtingga,mok pok ore alim kae,tkut meta ak kes ak ni xjuruh mano,smaye pn xckup,Skmo dio ngepek ko ak,eerrrkkk...mmg shabat sejati.Dio ni pn seorg ank didik yg bgus,dio skmo cntact ngan cikgu2 sekoloh dio,tnyo khabar gitu,kade2 dio kol sajo2 sb nk galok ngn ckgu dio,ckgu dio pn trpksa la lyn karenahnyaa yg mcm beruk mak yeh yg disukai ramai tu...Ak pn behi men sms ngn dio sb skmo ak jadi suko sore kalu bco msj dio,kalu kecek tepom lagi la selok,bleh terputus urat kntot dibuatnya..So jah yg ak xsuko,dio ni suko tidurr,meme kuat la tidoo..Tido ni meme bndo no.1 dio pling behi,kade2,ak la kno jadi alarm-clock dio suh dio bgun tido,kesnyo,mls nk set alarm-clock kt hp dio sndiri,hapraakkk la...Ak pnggil dio "Boss" dan dia pnggil ak "Assistant",tp ak xselalu mlksanakn tugas dgn baik tp nsib baik dia xngpek slalu..kui3..

Tu je la cito psl bdk tolol&fun tu,Lenguh dh tule jari sendi ak ni..Ok la,tu je la..Byk lgi bena nk share tp jariku yg cantik ini xmengizinkannya,kui3..Thanks to my unstable hormones sb brjaya mmbuatkn ak post bnda yg nonsense & ntah ape-ape ni,kui kui kui..


Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I miss all the sweetest words you said to me,the spontaneous of you to make me laugh,you were there when I need someone to talk to,you always being the one who take care about me despite I repeatedly kept saying,"Gapo gak,xyoh caro lah nyo,bose bose,kui3",you scratch the word "un" from my unhappiness,your gaze lavishes me with such great inflictions(it moves me),I miss your sheep like smile,I am like a tree that turns pall with sapless leaves which are about to dry out and fall like hopeless aspirations and you are the water and fertilizer that nourished me back.

Boy,I know that you aren't going to read this but I just want to say,"I miss those moments"

Because,right now..

It all seems to fade


Who am I to you?


Monday, September 14, 2009

School Leavers go craaaaaazy

Today is the bomb!I had a big heap of fun with my crazy girlfriends,Dura and Atin.We were snapping photos like nobody's business and gave quite nonsense and weirdos' poses.Our theme was "Superheroes" since we wore 3D spectacles that I got when I watched Hannah Montana Concert In 3D,on Disney channel last year(remember?).We were definitely being cam-whores and even asked strangers to snap us okay,Haha.Ini adalah sebahagian drpd picca yg kami tlh tgkp,selebihnya,di simpan di dlm
Friendster saya.And video too,Action!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Day by day,I get more interested with this blog thingy so I decided to learn and experimenting all the blogspot codes and stuff to make my blog looks more appetizing,I already knew all the basic and non-basic codes of YouTube, MySpace and Friendster and now it is time for me to open a new chapter and learn about this site too.

Readers,I am learning now :D

Soko Soko

Since that I ponteng sekolah today and I am so bored and got nothing to do,I was idly browsing videos on YouTube and suddenly there's a video that caught my eyes,Soko-Take My Heart,I played it and the song is da' bomb,the melody is sooooo sweeeet and her voice is undeniably the cutest!Suara childish kowt.This is such a cute song and good for bed time song too,hehe.

Song Words:

You can take my heart for a walk on the beach
You can take my heart for a little trip
You can take my heart very close to your heart
You can take my heart forever if you like

But not every heart belongs to any other
You and I
You and I are meant to be
I'm the one for you, You're the one for me
You love me as much as I do
When you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you so
Please come in
And you love me more and more
And my love grows up with you
And you kiss me more and more
And I kiss you, too
And I kiss you, too

If I take your heart, I will cherish it every day
If I take your heart, I will heal these old wounds
If I take your heart, it's to make it happy
If I take your heart, it's forever close to mine

But not every heart belongs to any other
You and I
You and I are meant to be
I'm the one for you, You're the one for me
You love me as much as I do
When you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you so
Please come in
And you love me more and more
And my love grows up with you
And you kiss me more and more
And I kiss you, too
And I kiss you, too

(violin solo!)

I don't care, I don't care
If I'm again carried away
If you swear, if you swear
To give me your heart in return
To give me your heart in return

I don't care, I don't care
If I'm again carried away
If you swear, if you swear
To give me your heart in return
To give me your heart in return

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rindu Serindu Rindunyaa

Saya amat merindui sahabat-sahabat baik saya sjk dr kecil lagi,iaitu Fila dan Enna,sesungguhnya merekalah matahari saya,yg sering menggembirakan saya.Orang yg paling jarang melukai hati saya.Walaupun jarak umur agak jauh,tapi kami mmg serasi,walaupun sy pling tua,saya xpernah berlagak mcm org tua@senior sb selalunya saya akan berlagak seperti kanak2 kecil kerana saya xnak jadi tua.Selalunya tiap2 weekend saya dan Enna akn tido di umah Fila tp now,dah lama saya tak tidur di rumahnya disebabkan menghormati bulan Ramadhan(cehhh) dan sudah lama tidak menghabiskan masa bergalok dgn mereka berdua dan paling penting,menghabiskan lauk di rumah Fila serta menu yg paling digemari saya dan Enna iaitu Sambal Belacan,amat delicious!Sedap hingga menjilat pinggan!Guaranteed!Kalau tiada sambal,mood kami yg kuat dan penuh semangat untuk makan akan hilang!Lenyap begitu sahaja,nampaknya magis sambal belacan tersebut amat kuat dan penting untuk deria rasa kami.Amazing bangett!

Sekarang,kami xboleh bergalok sgt sb ade penghalang,kalau dalam cite
Spongebob Squarepants boleh digambarkan seperti watak Plankton! Iaitu jubo XXL aka Bibik Primadona,dialah akn mereport kpd Mama Fila yg dikenali as Kak Na apa yang kami buat mlm2,disbb kn kami slalu tido lwt,kmungkinan kebingitan suara kami tlh menganggu dia tidur disebabkan faktor bilik Fila hanyalah bersebelahan dgn biliknya.Kami amat kecewa,kerana saya amat menyukai Bibik pada mula2 tapi disebabkan mulut nya hebat macam Mak Laura dlm Upik Abu dan Laura,perasaan suka padanya mula terhakis dan terhakis,dan sekarang,perasaan kami pada Bibik hanyalh pudar dan samar2,lebih samar drpd kabus pada waktu pagi.Dulu kami selalu berbual rancak dgnnya,disebabkan kami krg menyukainya,perbualan itu hanyalah sekadar utk bertegur sapa.Itulah kisah Bibik Primadona,our biggest threat.

Tetapi,sekarang saya amat merindui pada waktu dahulu,di mana kami sering bergalok doing silly stuff,record some videos and taking umpteen photos.Adakah disebabkan faktor kami telah mulai menginjak ke alam remaja --> dewasa menyebabkan kami jarang bersua muka?Mungkin ya mungkin tidak.Saya pasti zaman ini tidak akan kekal lama kerana kami pasti akan ada haluan masing2 selepas ini,However,this beautiful memories will forever ecthed in my heart eternally.

miss you both like hell!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Eye strain

Lately,I found that I am easy to get an eye strain,condition which is basically the straining of an eye muscle.And in my situation now,I think due to the excessive use of computer and Internet usage which makes me to continuously focusing on computer monitor had resulted me to get this syndrome,which is reallyyyy discomforting.Aaaaa....this is bad cause it will affect my eye's vision.And I don't want my vision to be blurred cause' for sure I need to wear a spectacle,damn!I hate spectacles!But not shades!Hehe,I try to wear my mom's spectacle once(just for fun) and I looked like a Nenek Kebayan,kelakar dan burok.Ask Fila and Enna,they knew.Haha.

Hmmm,I can assure you that I will not lessen my computer and Internet usage,ain't gonna happen! I can't live without them okay.But,for health precaution,computer filter is needed
.I think I'll buy one soooooooooon but not so soon,hehe.
So,the highlight of my post is

Be healthy,peeps!


Being sad with the loved ones is better
than being happy with the hated ones :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Reality Check

This morning,semasa sembahyang tasbih kt sekolah,Imam pun berkata " Kito ni 20 hari dh poso ",

Then,I was like,Holy shoot!20 hari dh?!Aaaaaa,I even asked my friends if I am dreaming or what,and they repeatedly said "Dop,dop,dop,mu xmimpi la",then they laughed at me cause I looked like a wife who had just lost her husband,gelabah & sedih

Memang wake-up call!,Yg mmbuatkn aku cuak adalah kerana persiapan raya langsung xbuat lg,baju raya masih xbeli,dan aku pasti mesti banyak saiz baju di KbMall,Billion@Parkson sdh habis,especially Size M,sb raya dh dkt.Dah la baju2 kt sini xlawa,I can hardly find clothing that suits my taste well,Maybe I am quite fussy when it comes to fashion kot.Satu lagi,aku brnsib mlg kerna mmpunyai saiz kaki yg agak besar,so,kalau pergi lambat mmg sah saiz kaki ak yg "gorgeous" ni dh xde :( .Pakai selipar jepun je la jawabnye(nipu).So,sekarang,what the best thing I need to do is

Go to shopping mall(s) and buy my baju raya!

Aside from that,I think Hari Raya Aidilfitri 09 will be the most boring and meaningless ever because I will sit for SPM's examination a few weeks right after Hari Raya celebration ended,So..paham2 je la kan.

But Raya is still Raya and I can't wait to taste the Aidilfitri's delightful delicacies ! Yummy yum. :D

Dear H1N1,

Haha,when one of them said the word "Kutu",it is obvious that this parody "Wash your hands" song is made by Malaysians and we can recognize from their accent too,sounds a bit like Chin-Glish(Chinese+English).
Should we be proud of them?Hehe,Never mind.But,kudos for them for the well-written lyrics that goes well with the melody,Haha.Hope that this video will raise your awareness about H1N1 :)

Enjoy! :D

Gardenia's manupilation

Since that all of us loves Gardenia..(sungguh enak dimakan begitu sahaja)

Here are the tips & secrets about Gardenia:

Tips to buy Gardenia bread !

Check it out. Gardenia bread Tips on buying Gardenia bread

Here is something interesting……..

When you go to buy bread in the grocery store, have you ever wondered.

Which is the freshest, so you ’squeeze’ for freshness or softness.?

Did you know that bread is delivered fresh to the stores five days a week?

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Each day has a different color twist tie.

They are :

Monday - Blue

Tuesday - Green

Thursday - Red

Friday - White

Saturday - Yellow

So if today is Friday, you would want red twist tie not white which is Friday. (a week old)!

The colors go alphabetic cally by color Blue - Green - Red -White

-Yellow, Monday thru Saturday. Very easy to remember.

I thought this was interesting.

I looked in the grocery store and the bread wrappers DO have different twist ties, and even the one with the plastic clips have different colors.

Enjoy fresh bread when you buy bread with the right color on the day you are shopping.!Happy shopping and BE SMART!

source : Wikipedia

SINGLE boys,this is for you

Menjadi seorang yang single memang sangat seronok. Kau bebas melakukan apa saja, pergi mana nak pergi, senang kata lantak kau lah nak buat apa-apa pun. Tetapi mempunyai kebebasan seumpama ini akan merubah lelaki, biasanya bukan perubahan yang baik. Tabiat buruk seorang bujang akan segera menjadi kebiasaan dan kau akan kehilangan motivasi atau lebih teruk lagi ketajaman akal kau. Menjadi single terlalu lama adalah kitaran menurun yang menjadikan seorang lelaki itu sedih, keseorangan dan gersang.
  1. Perasan semua awek suka pada kau – Bila awek lalu sebelah dan senyum kat kau mulalah perasan diri hensem, ego pon membuak-buak. Walaubagaimanapun, menjadi single untuk masa yang terlalu lama ini membuat kamu terlalu konfiden. Kau ingat awek tadi senyum sebab kau memang hensem, tapi cuma gelakkan gaya selekeh kau atau cebis cili yang terlekat dicelah digigi kau masa makan tengah hari tadi. :roll:
  2. Membina tabiat makan yang tidak elok – Sangat susah untuk seseorang itu untuk memasak dan adalah sangat mudah untuk terikut gaya makan orang bujang yang kurang sihat dan kadang-kadang menjijikkan. Jika dapur kau penuh dengan Mee Maggi atau lain-lain makanan segera sahlah kau dah lama single. Ataupun kau asyik makan kat luar je.
  3. Kau banyak sangat main games – Counterstrike? DOTA (Dunia Orang Tiada Awek)? FIFA 2009? WOW? Semuanya termasuk dalam senarai. Mengisi masa lapang kau dengan bermain games adalah salah satu pilihan baik. Mungkin bila kau dah ada awek nanti kau dah tak mahu main games lagi. Tapi kalau main games berjam-jam sampai ke pagi adalah tak elok untuk tubuh badan dan minda kau dan rosakkan peluang kau nak berawek. Siang dah tidur, malam main games, bila nak usha perempuan?
  4. Kau meluahkan perasaan dekat perempuan – Apa lagi tanda yang kau telah terlalu lama single? Kau menjawab pertanyaan kecil kawan perempuan kau seperti “Camne lifehidup single kau yang keseorangan. Makcik tukang cuci pun tahu kesian kat kau yang sedang desperate nak berawek. skang?” dengan bebelan emosi panjang mengenai
  5. Kau mula stalk awek lama kau – Terima kasih kepada Internet, ringkasan hidup hampir setiap orang mudah dicari hanya dengan meng-Google nama mereka. Disuatu lewat tengah malam kau sedang menaip nama ex-girlfriend’s kau di kotak pencarian demi nak usha-usha apa dia tengah buat dengan harapan bunga cinta berputik kembali. Terbaru, dengan adanya Facebook dan Friendster lagi senanglah kau nak buat kerja stalking nie. Hey hey sudahlah, pergilah lepak mana-mana usha perempuan lain.
Source : Oh bulan

So,mane2 boys yg terasa sikap die ade dlm list di atas ni,I have something to say,"Go get a freaking help A.S.A.P!"
Step outside and start mingling with girls,or if you are a very shy person,cehhh(pemalu konon),ask your girl friends to set a blind-date for you.Lebih baik pergi start usha awek sebelum terkena benda2 yg xelok kt atas ni,errrkkk..

Life at Changgong Tuition Centre

Ingin mengupload pic ni kerana saya pasti akan merindui suasana & kawan2 di pusat tuisyen saya dan saya ingin mengingati saat-saat ini sampai bila2 kerna saya pasti xakn dpt mngulalngiya lagi,Cheeeh,ayat xbleh blaa..

Haha,mind the stupid & random sentences above even though I know you can't barely read them,hehe.It is just me being me.Hmm,anyway,this post is definitely something related to my "personal life thingy".So,I don't want to a give a long elaboration about it.The pictures are the plot,synopsis,moral values and etc.

Theme: My friends are my estate :D

: Changgong Tuition Centre
Opposite of : Heritage
Beside : Second-hand cars shop

Monday, September 7, 2009

Melenyapkan diri

Followers or Stalkers,

I will be in a short hiatus for a week(mayhap) due to Trial's examination,Wish me the best of luck and I'll update my blog any time soon!

See you next weekend

Hasta la vista

I don't like you Mommy

The Conversation:

Mom: Tell me what you just said
Son : I..I like you when you give me cookies
Mom: You like me when I give you cookies but you don't like me all the time?
Son : Yeah,no
Mom: Why?
Son : Because I like you....only like you(stuttering)get cookies from.....
Mom : Oh,so only when I give you cookies do you like me?
Son : Yeah
Mom: Oh,ok.I love you
Son : But I..I..I love you too,but I..I don't like you all the time
Mom : Ohh,(giggles),ok thanks.

This is the reason why I wanna have kid(s),haha


First,I laughed,then I stopped,seeing the picture above definitely will make us laugh hysterically or in a polite manner,giggles.Why?Because he shitted in his pant,you mofo.But,let us think about it for a few seconds,even though he shitted,he still keep running and make his way to the end despite all the negative attentions he gets.

,man!I don't think that I could ever do that,Running with my shitted pant? No way.Seeing that man in that uber "humiliating" situation is really an eye-opening and a wake up call for me.These picture shows that nothing can stop us to reach our goal/dream.And I hope,you readers,had learned a thing or two after you reading this post.Thank you.

So,the highlight of my
post is:

Do not care about others if they trying to stop you from succeeding.Just look forward and never turn back "

-Tg Fatin Farhana

Viewing Pleasures

No offence tapi yang ini paling lawa,haha

p/s : This is a another typical post for your viewing pleasures only.Cutie pie girls are definitely yummy to watch.E N V Y


Pretty and Simple layouts are just hard to find kan?

I haven't found a layout that is eye-catching and suits my taste well.I even google and still,my effort was U S E L E S S.

As a saying goes,"Patience is a virtue". I'll keep searching and searching then.*Sigh

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Once upon a time,I was walking outside to get my towel under the porch,when I was trying to grab my towel,I heard an unpleasant sound which was sounded like an angry humming of a chicken,I searched high and low to know where the sound actually came from and boom! I found a hen sitting idly on my granny's plant pot which was approximately 10inches away from where I stood,as I still in a state of shocked , I was taken aback again to see a hatched egg under her bottom,and


A super duper adorable chick came out from her mummy's bottom,the sound of "chick-chick-chick" broke the silence and I couldn't help myself but go "awwww..". I was too excited and elated by it,yeah,to know that a chick had hatched near my house was something utterly rare to happen again...Then zupppp! I dashed inside my house and took my cell phone lying at the centre of my bed hesitantly and here it comes,the photo shoot session!hehe,

my nokia went,I tried to take a photo at a close-distance but since mummy hen was grumpy and quite mad(to protect her baby),I just used the zooming function.Nonetheless,I snapped just a few since my hp was in low-battery state.But still the photos were satisfying cause' I could see the hen and chick's faces quite clearly.

After the photo shoot session had ended,I left them alone cause' I know animals don't want their privacy to be interrupted especially by us,human,when they are resting.We need to respect them if we want them to respect us too.

They are the cutest ever!Awww.....

Friday, September 4, 2009

I'm back!

It's been a while since I last updated my blog..Dan skrg,sy trase nk update..

Tu Je

Copyright © by Tg Fatin Farhana